Monday 31 March 2008


A series of 6 teleclasses Wednesday nights, 26 March – 30 April
9.30 – 11pm(evening time).


“Deeply connected parenting can create the family life we want. It can also create the world we long for.”
Inbal Kashtan, Director, Peaceful Families Peaceful World Project.

Summary of Course
Our children are so important to us, yet sometimes we struggle to parent in ways we truly feel good about.
Join this series of 6 telephone classes and explore how to:
• Understand the needs behind your children’s behavior.
• Parent effectively without relying on the threat of punishment or promise of rewards. • Transform power struggles and conflicts into opportunities for building connection and trust.
• Discover a quality of connection that will sustain your family through life’s challenges. • Contribute to peace by raising children who can make peace.


Kristin Collier and Stephanie Bachmann Mattei are from the US and both 2006 graduates and 2007 assistants of the Center for Nonviolent Communication’s Parent Peer Leadership Program (PPLP), a part of Peaceful Families, Peaceful World Project. They are both assisting with the PPLP 07. Stephanie also serves on the Strategic Planning Committee for Peaceful Families, Peaceful World Project.

Learning Styles

Under the close and caring guidance of Inbal Kashtan, PPLP Program Director and Peaceful Families Peaceful World Project Director, (for more info. please visit and ), we have developed a learning style that intertwines information and interaction. Learning and exploring together in our classes, we seek to meet needs for growth and meaning as well as support, inclusion and belonging.

Course Content
Learn to understand your children's behavior by identifying the core needs underlying it. We will develop skills to self-connect and give empathy with greater ease and depth to support you in parenting from an authentic place of choice rather than habitual reaction. Explore the concept of "limits," and whether and how to use force in a paradigm of partnership parenting.
This course, originally designed by Inbal Kashthan, is divided into 6 sessions. Each week we will look at a specific application of NVC principles and practices of NVC in parenting. Some of the topics we will cover are:
WEEK 1: Core Needs: Understand Children’s Behavior.
WEEK 2: Self-Connection and Empathy.
WEEK 3: Transforming Habitual Reactions into Choiceful Responses
WEEK 4: The Power of the NVC Process and the NVC Tree of Life
WEEK 5: The Dreaded Word: When Children Say “NO”
WEEK 6: Parenting with NVC: Power and Partnership; Authentic Limits; Protective, Punitive and Utilitarian Force.

We will also engage in exercises, games and role plays to maximize integration of the concepts discussed in the class. All classes will be taped so that you can listen again to further your learning and/or catch up on a missed class. We also intend to set up a buddy system so that you can connect with another participant outside the class and get out the most of this course (empathy; deepen understanding; sharing of insights, etc.)

What is Nonviolent Communication?

Nonviolent Communication (NVC) was founded by Marshall Rosenberg, Ph.D., has been used around the world to mediate conflicts, nurture relationships and promote peace.
Imagine connecting with the human spirit, in each person, in any situation.
Imagine interacting with others in a way that allows everyone's needs to be equally valued.
Imagine creating organizations and life-serving systems responsive to our needs and the needs of our environment.
Nonviolent Communication (NVC) helps connect us with what is alive in ourselves and in others moment-to-moment, with what we or others could do to make life more wonderful, and with an awareness of what gets in the way of natural giving and receiving.
NVC language strengthens our ability to inspire compassion from others and respond compassionately to others and ourselves. It guides us to reframe how we express ourselves, how we hear others and resolve conflicts by focusing our consciousness on what we are observing, feeling, needing, and requesting.
Nonviolent Communication language awakens empathy and honesty, and is sometimes described as “the language of the heart.”
For more info see

Preclass Instructions:

We encourage you to read "Parenting from Your Heart" by Inbal Kashtan. You can order it at
If you feel moved to do so, please be ready to share one challenge you are facing in your parenting journey towards connection, choice and compassion.

How does a teleclass work?

A Teleclass is a live, interactive workshop that is conducted over the telephone like a conference call. It relies on technology called a telephone "bridge" line. A bridge is simply a telephone line that allows several people to be on the line at the same time. It allows you to take the class from the comfort of your own home.
Participants pay for their own phone call charge to the United States for the teleclass. If you have access to Skype then the call will be free. Alternatively there are several call cards with very cheap rates for calling the US
Once you register for a Teleclass, a few days before the course you will receive an email with the telephone number and access code for your Teleclass.

Cost: €125 plus cost of phone call( rates to the US can be very cheap using call cards such as Global caller). For parents living in Donegal the price is €90, concession €60. This is being subsidised by Donegal Parenting Group, thanks to a grant from Dept of Social and Family Affairs

For more information and/or to book a place


Parenting From Your Heart

A series of 6 teleclasses
in Compassionate Communication
for Parents of Toddlers & Preschoolers

Our children are so important to us, yet sometimes we struggle to parent in ways we
truly feel good about. Join this workshop in Nonviolent Communication to explore how to:
Understand the needs behind your children’s behaviour.

Parent effectively without relying on the threat of punishment
or promise of rewards.

Transform power struggles and conflicts into opportunities for building connection and trust.

Discover a quality of connection that will sustain your family through life’s challenges.

Contribute to peace by raising children who can make peace.

When: This series of 6 telephone classes will run on Wednesday nights from 26th March, 9.30 – 11pm(evening time) You can attend from the comfort of your own home!

“Deeply connected parenting can create the family life we want. It can also create the world we long for.”
Inbal Kashtan, Director, Peaceful Families Peaceful World Project.